Saturday, September 8, 2007


Kombucha tea has been hailed as a miracle cure-all, an elixir, an immune system booster, the fountain of youth, etc. What is Kombucha? According to GT’s Kombucha website, Kombucha is a “a living culture of beneficial microorganisms” that is delicately “cultured” for 30 days. “During this period, essential nutrients form like active enzymes, viable probiotics, amino acids, antioxidants and polyphenols. All of these combine to create an elixir that immediately works with the body to restore balance and vitality.”

I am always up for trying a new wonder elixir, so I bought my first bottle of Raspberry Rush™ Synergy yesterday. I can say in no uncertain terms that this drink is vile. It has undertones of apple cider vinegar and overtones of Two Buck Chuck that sat in garage for the last two decades with a desiccated cork. In addition, the dregs of Kombucha are slimy little floaty bits of a fermented substance—clearly of unknown, mystical origin. There has got to be a easier way to fight free radicals, rid the body of toxins, and support a healthy immune system. Pomegranate martini, anyone?

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