Friday, January 4, 2008

Animal, Vegetable, Mmm, Marshmallow

I know it's a new year and we're all about healthy resolutions. I just read Barbara Kingsolver's brilliant and eye-opening, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. If you love food and care about its provenance and the impact of corporate farming on our bodies and our earth, this book is a must read. I'm inspired to start my next batch of heirloom tomatoes from seed and to take up canning all manner of sauces, chutneys, and pickles (a fantasy, I'm sure).

But, even after the wake-up call of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, I can't help my decadent ways. For Christmas I made marshmallows from scratch after seeing this charming instructional video, courtesy of Readymade. It's actually quite quick and easy to make these little glorious sweeties. With an amazing consistency when melted, they are a revelation in s'mores.

This year, I will try to make less sweet indulgences and more things with chard.

1 comment:

Doodle Whore said...

I think you should make chard s'mores.