Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Can't They Place Nice?

Here's what happens in my fantasy world: Barack and Hillary are disco partners:

Those JibJab guys are truly brilliant. Thanks for making us laugh in our hour of need.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ritz + Peanut Butter = TLA

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I am so excited by the spunky and fresh new Ritz crackers ad campaign. The commercials are quirky and fun, as promised by Kraft's new agency Euro RSCG. The print campaign transforms the distinct scalloped shape of the Ritz cracker into an instantly recognizable icon (great, dare I say it: branding). I think the most successful aspect of both the print and t.v. campaigns is the use of simple, bold shapes and happy colors that have a retro appeal (a little Paul Rand-ian, even):

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I just want to have a Tupperware party with lots of mayonnaise-based dips served on buttery, totally non-healthy Ritz crackers.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Typography as Art: Tauba Auerbach

I first saw S.F.-based artist Tauba Auerbach's work a few years ago. Quite simply: it blew my mind. Witty and impeccably drawn, her typographic interpretations are stunning. I want them in every room of my house. Look at that "I" created from a tangle of flourishes (by the way, it's ink on paper, not digital). Tauba Auerbach is my official Valentine's Day artist crush.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

In Praise of Citrus

There are many things that drive my crazy about California: the exorbitant price of housing, the preponderance of Ugg boots/flip flops (at the same time, no less) on college campuses, and governance by proposition. Yes, there is definitely a surcharge to live in California, but it's one I'm willing to pay during these temperate winter days that bring the glories of citrus season. Behold my recent citrus purchases from the farmer's market—sweet little satsumas, decadently juicy blood oranges, and a new discovery: the enormous Tahitian pummelo (sometimes spelled pomelo).
The Tahitian pummelo was described by the teenage vendor as having a very sweet lemon-lime flavour similar to Sprite. I'd actually describe it as more Squirt-like; the lemon-lime is cut with a faint hint of pink grapefruit. I'm already dreaming of the cocktail possibilities: the Tahitian Pummelo Margarita (Tahitian pummelo juice and silver agave tequila with a splash of Cointreau) or the Tahitian Pummelo Martini (two parts Grey Goose vodka, one part limoncello, one part Tahitian pummelo juice). It would be hilarious to garnish a drink with a ridiculously large half-slice of pummelo. The only problem: the juice from one of these over-sized beauties would yield enough for about a dozen martinis. No matter. They're quite nice for breakfast, too.

Gifts for Type Lovers

What to buy for the lover of typography? How about these pretties from Fishs Eddy (one of my absolutely favorite NYC spots for housewares: thanks to good friend Jason for bringing me there many years ago). These luverly alphabet mugs are highlighted on the Hoefler and Frere-Jones Type Foundry site. My Iain would look so cute, sipping his chocolatte from this sweet "I" mug: