Thursday, May 22, 2008

AIGA: Designing Water's Future

It's global. It's interesting. It's needed. It might even make students think. It's AIGA's Aspen Design Challenge, "a call to students worldwide, to use their creative talent and strategic design skills to address a crucial global problem." The goal of the project is to raise awareness for the global water crisis in visually innovative ways that inspire people to act. This sounds like such a great design project for students, particularly my California kids, many of whom hail from SoCal: a desert turned unnaturally green through fastidious and ecologically irresponsible use of the sprinkler. I'm so inspired by this project that I'm actually contemplating ways to fit it in during my fall maternity leave. Plus, I want to go to the World Summit on Climate Change in 2009. It's Copenhagen or bust. The larger question is: are my students actually in possession of "creative talent and strategic design skills"? Hmm. I'll try to be an optimist here.

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