Thursday, October 16, 2008

Debate No. 3 and the Project Runway Connection

Last night fashion and politics collided (okay, maybe only in my mind) with two momentous finales: the third and final presidential debate and the season (perhaps series) finale of Project Runway 5. Okay, so I was kind of rooting for Korto's subtly Africanesque collection with it's gorgeous colours and restrained use of over-sized beads. That green halter dress was a stunner and I don't think the garments were particularly overworked (once she wisely, unlike Kenley, ditched the crazy wedding dress). But, ultimately, Leanne's cool (literally with all those diaphanous blues) intellectual approach won out. It was hard not to draw a connection between the judges' response to Leanne's collection and those bizarre squiggly lines of biofeedback from the supposedly undecided focus groups watching debate no. 3. As a recessional malaise sweeps over the country, content appears to be reigning supreme over the cult of personality. Obama's calm, cool, collected, look directly into the camera and try to stay on topic approach seemed much more presidential, as the talking heads like to say, than McCain's bizarre tangents, random accusations, twitching, eye rolling, evident discomfort and apparent seething rage. Tim Gunn and the American people have spoken: the time has come for quiet thoughtfulness, intelligent solutions, environmental awareness and the ascendancy of the slightly nerdy. Hooray.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the finale. I was hoping for Korto to win. Her collectionn was colorful and different. Her collection was not overworked as the claimed by the judges.However, I can't take anything away from Leanne because her collection was beautiful.

Charmaine said...

Katie, I hope you are also reading Project Rungay for their fantastic in-depth fashion analysis: They make a good case for Leanne. Truth be told, I loved her crazy noodles, too.