Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why I am a Designer

My friend, and fellow designer Jason, just alerted me to this hilarious pie chart from the ChangeOrder blog. So true: especially the "chunky black glasses" part. Although, the chart is skewed at little toward our (how shall I say: slightly older) generation; I'm not sure my students will ever experience the joys of a Bestine high (mmm, such a superior solvent: I can still smell it) or the fine line elegance of a Rapidograph. Dick Blick is now marketing the Rapidograph as a quaint tool worth rediscovering, which "stands out almost magically against the bland precision of computer rendered graphics." How retro.


Doodle Whore said...

There are a few more wedges that I'd add to this graphic: "masochist" and "can't do anything else so I'm trapped"

Charmaine said...

Oh, you cynic, you.